OK, so it's embarrassing to be a stopper and starter. I've started and stopped on a number of things in my life, none of which have eternal consequences to my knowledge. But it's annoying because I want to be known as someone who finishes and finishes really well. That to say, the blog has taken a backseat to just about everything in my life for the past months. But, I think I'm back. I really do.
This short entry is just to get me going again. To give you a snapshot of what's going on--there is irony. My last blog entry was about India and yesterday we purchased tickets for our trip to India at the end of January. More to come on that, but to me it's kind of like lightning striking twice, if that can occur in a really positive way. I'm blown away at these life-changing experiences I am so fortunate to have and I am excited to see how I can serve by producing another project in India. I'm also wondering how trip #2 will affect me.
Today is also Mary and my 5 year anniversary. If anything has happened in the blink of an eye, it's the past 5 years. Who am I kidding? The past 23 years is one big blur to me.
Peter Cetera: "After all the stops and starts..."
Troy Gronseth: Really, I'm back.
What's the next line to the song?
welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are out of town, but i really do need a skype date with your better half. Merry Christmas & Happy Anniversary!
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